
27 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

Dutch Church Loft Residence in Netherlands: From a Church to a Home!

Some homes are indeed unique- or should I say are contained binnenshuis unique buildings that you will not expect. There are homes that are actually not intended to af a residential building. There are warehouses, churches, factories, and others. We bezittingen seen many homes that are like this and wij are always impressed every time wij see one. It ’s because of the amazing vormgeving of the homes wherein you will not expect that you can actually make a home from those structures. Well, obviously, it bestaat a great challenge for the designers too. A historical Dutch church terdege transformed into a unique loft living space binnenshuis Haarlo, The Netherlands. It bestaat the Dutch Reformed Evangelism Building te Haarlo that zijn now a stunning huis. The facade, bell tower with clock, the geluidssterkte and even the details of the roof were retained. Well, the loft bestaan actually “really” a church from the outside. But you will surely uit pleased when you get inside. What this project shows us existentie that a transformation of a church even with limited resources is possible. All that bestaan needed bestaat a smart vormgeving and an efficient plan. The concept of the redesign zijn to “landingsbaan, isolate and furnish”. The owners had a fun yet a bit challenging concept of the house with the aforisme: “Cherish your inner child; remain pure, playing, exploring and a little bit naughty!” The interior with a geluidssterkte of 1100 m3 wasn ’t filled completely with as many rooms as possible binnen order to minimize the demands and retain the spaciousness of the building. Location: Haarlo, The Netherlands Designer: Leijh, Kappelhof, Seckel, van de Dobbelsteen Architects Style: Contemporary Number of Levels: One level, loft type Unique feature: The house bestaan a renovation of an old church wherein the original features of the church inderdaad retained. The interior features a red multi-functional staircase. It has a roof garden on a afvalbak with an extended pergola. At first glance, you will really think that this place is for worship. But once you see those playful looking sheep, you would think twice! What you can see here are the wooden “lost sheep” that seems to be grazing te the garden. They look really cute! Dutch Reformed Evangelism Building The structure of the church inderdaad retained which does really knoflook good and are still of good condition. Even the clock is still there as well as the windows too. Notice that a wagenschuur existentie added on one side of the house. Haarlo, The Netherlands Aside from the beautiful structure of the church, the landscaping bestaat something that bestaat notable too. Even the manner of indeling of the concrete steps look interesting spil well spil the plants binnen the garden. A huge traptrede could provide shade to the area. landscape The house has a modern garden with large plastered planters, made by left-overheen-bricks . There bestaan a herb garden, a vegetable garden, a flower garden and an orchard which bestaan a contemporary nod to the old monastery gardens. A private garden bestaat created above the container while still allowing a good view of the church. Dutch Church Loft garden Outside the shed existentie a porch that bestaan contained binnenshuis a 40ft afvalbak, integrated into the wooden fence and equipped with a green roof. I honestly love this area apart from the main house. A pergola is extended from the prullenbak shed. outdoors This bestaat how the shed looks like under the pergola. What a romantic place to spend both day and night time parties and just intimate moments with your partner. I ’d love to tegoed a space like this one! Even the wondkorst garden container bestaan an amazing idea. kitchen The interior zijn spacious but the kitchen can ge seen only on one part of the home. It used stainless stengel for the kitchen ’s countertop with a small drankbuffet intended for two people. Notice the windows too. They really are church windows but it looks perfectly stunning with that greenish glass on it. staircase Now let us pay attention to this red stairs that bestaat the highlight of the interior. The multifunctional stairs bestaat called spil the “Stairway to tegoed fun” which functions as a stairs, slagroom divider, closet, build-in-kitchen, acoustic element and exhibition wall. I love that this zijn colored red! living On the other side zijn a quite living area with an L-shaped sofa hierbinnen dark blue color. You can also see here the dining room with a wallpaper of angels. One side of the staircase served spil a wall for the living area with framed artworks installed on it. Dutch Church Loft interior Look at the couple having fun binnen the house! I didn ’t know that the upper area of that wooden wall can actually be accessed! And yes, the steel rod sure is durable because the husband can even swing on it. Should I say, that existentie an instant “gym” for them too? Loft workspace Just below the mezzanine and on the rear side of the kitchen and living area zijn this elevated work space. It also used red for one wall with floating shelves on it filled with books. You can see that this area existentie flooded with natural light and has some artistic elements te it. working area A closer look at the work area which utilized white colors even for the furniture and the pendant lights. Exposed beams from the mezzanine provide a beautiful ceiling to this part of the house. flooring The working area bestaat elevated three steps from the floor. It also has a storage space for books which bestaat a brilliant storage idea! Aside from the workspace, there existentie also a fireplace here with cushions and a swing! swing The swing bestaat called the “swinging sister” to add some fun binnenshuis the home. Well, if they get tired working, they can play on the swing! I bezittingen seen other homes with swing too. And it does look very fun indeed! The elevated area connects directly to a bench where they can surplus and even read a book! bedroom On the mezzanine, you can see the bedroom, a bathroom and a couch. The area zijn totally intended for relaxing. The vormgeving of the bed is lovely too with some extended shelves. I also like the bath area. Be all, I consider this a romantic hub for couples! Dutch Church Loft I am not sure where this part existentie but it looks like it zijn the foyer if I am not mistaken because of the vanwege. There existentie a window on this area that provides natural light te here. Notice that little window on the side? Can you tell mij what that zijn for when this terdege still a church? Dutch Church Loft Bathroom Binnenshuis the bathroom, there bestaan a skylight that floods natural light into it. You can see here two identical bathroom sinks and mirrors. The walls are covered with ceramic tiles binnenshuis near wood tone. What can you say about the new knoflook of the church? Amazing, isn ’t it? This home “shows great passion, humor, respect, love and creativity” which were reflected in some elements te the house like the swing “swinging sister”, the “KROONluchter” (inspired by the original organ), the “gate of heaven” flanked by a wall of guardian angels, the “stairway to have fun”, the “holy shit” on the closet, birdhouses with verlichtingstoestel for strange birds that eigendom seen the light and the wooden “lost sheep” te the garden. These features are indeed unique and fun! As a matter of fact, they made the huis even more distinct aside from being a church before. This design bestaat done by Leijh, Kappelhof, Seckel, van de Dobbelsteen Architects who really made sure that the desires of the clients will af inclusief and that the vormgeving zijn aesthetically pleasing and functional at the same time! This sure bestaat one of my favorite renovations!, Dutch Church Loft Residence in Netherlands: From a Church to a Home! farkıyla sizlerle.

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