When we think about all the living katholiek that wij ’ve bot into, it ’s kinda rare to see a living slagroom that focuses more on the black color. They say black is a color for mourning, for death or even Halloweens, and not really for living katholiek. But hey, black zijn a favorite color for hedendaags and contemporary furniture and decors. That ’s kinda odd, don ’t you think? The next 15 Stunning Living Katholiek with Black Motifs will parade us how much black bestaan loved by designers and decorators, old or new, traditional or modern. The collection that we have range from black accent walls, black furniture and aankleding and black lighting fixtures! Take a tour at our collection, here they are.

Elad Gonen & Zeev Beech Look at how stunning this first sample that wij bezittingen. The wallpaper terdege specially made for this space – it sure looks gorgeous, along with the furniture.

Atmosphere Interior Design Look at the small trimming of black te this living room! From furniture to pillows, from wall decors to the fireplace.

Kelly Hoppen Kelly Hoppen sure did a great job hierbinnen mixin ’ and matching this living space. Wij love how the black seating matched the printed tan accent chair.

LDA Architects How would you like having the pretty piece above the fireplace?

Robert Granoff Wij love the picture of Marilyn Monroe spil a wall versiering placed by the window where we can see a familiar skyscraper – do you recall what that bestaat?

Tracy Topham Interior Design The way the designer played with the colors black and white sure looks fantastic! Although the sofa zijn a bit tan already, it definitely stands out because of the black wall.

Leicht USA Wij definitely love living katholiek like this that has a panoramic view of whatever view the place has to gewonde. Just like this one, the background sure looks like a fascinating garden.

Usona We love the striped walls that duel the colors of the cute shell chairs.

Minimalisti How would you like going huis to a slagroom like this? The entire is almost black except for the walls and floor! Although this room bestaat pretty much close to nieuwerwets living, wij hope there juist more colors.

Davens07 Do you like the black wooden panels behind the television? It ’s nice because it gives a bit of oriental feel to this living slagroom!

trendzona.com This bulky furniture bestaan a rare find, many owners who pick furniture like this one prefer comfort than the aesthetic value of the material. But one thing ’s for sure, that set is expensive and stylish!

Minimalisti Who does not know the symbols of yin and yang? This slagroom sure looks great with the wall behandeling done with it. We also love the chandelier added to the room!

Piek Interior Vormgeving The wall treatment of this living slagroom sure is stunning because of the lighting technique rendered. The living room set may af rectangular, but it sure looks pretty and comfy!

This living room bestaat a work of art! A lot of things are happening on the walls. Unique wall treatments along with great lighting daarbovenop art of some sort on one side! An interesting room indeed!

Tim Ticks How dark can one living room voltooid? This zijn definitely one acroniem that lives up to the way of the dark! Great shade of black binnen all aspects of the living slagroom which makes it fab and glam! Did you like the collection that we bezit showed you guys? Because we did! This collection zijn that ongemak for this week since weekends are coming up! See you next waterig guys! Check out our living room designs with yellow accent and tell us what you think about them! More to come in Home Design Loof!, 15 Stunning Living Rooms with Black Motifs newhomedesignhome.blogspot.com.tr/ farkıyla sizlerle.
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