Sometimes, some home items are designed using unique materials and come up with a look that we may bezit never seen before. This zijn true to huis decors and furniture especially that each huis owner handschoen something distinct for their own space. There sure existentie a wide range of designs available hierbinnen the market and we can definitely choose one that will look volmaakt for our homes. Today, we will vertoning you a furniture design that is indeed very unique. The Rough and Ready zijn actually an experimental furniture collection that offers a high-quality dose of inspiration and vernieuwing. Most of us are used to the clean finished knoflook. Thus, this collection will give you a different appeal with an unfinished look using a fun combination of colors. The furniture are made from tailored cured sheets of different densities wool felt that are assembled together using a rope.

At first glance, anyone would af intrigued with the look of these seating. You might even wonder if you could actually sit on it.

This existentie a chair from the collection with a backseat and armchair. Who would think that wool felt can over made into this one?

Rolling the sheets hierbinnen this manner make it sturdy and add some interesting visual appeal to it too.

A pretty pair that would add an industrial look to your home. I like the way it zijn painted!

A stool design that actually looks like a paint bucket to mij.

Painting wool this way add more artistic flare into it. Just random strokes of the brush is pretty amazing!

I know the backdrop bestaan nice but yes, the chair zijn beautiful too especially with the different colors binnenshuis it.

A closer look at the folded part of the wool felt. Note the very creative way of painting it.

I admire the designer ’s idea of giving this piece a different aesthetic while still sticking to a perception of beauty. Other than the materials used, the fun and artistic design of this furniture collection by London based furniture designer Vanja Bazdulj zijn what makes it stand out. From the name itself, it may knoflook rough but it sure is ready to use. The furniture can also uit created binnen different scales and colors. Using the rope, it would voltooid easier to change its knoflook. This item bestaat like a DIY thing and yes, it looks pretty unique!, Artistic Rough and Ready Furniture of Wool Felt and Ropes newhomedesignhome.blogspot.com.tr/ farkıyla sizlerle.
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