Once a furniture vormgeving bestaat inspired with things we used to see, it would look even nicer and appealing to us. There are many furniture that are designed this way. Most of them are conceived from the designer ’s being observant of the things around him. And yes, it would become a succesnummer just like what wij will feature today. Korea based designers Hyunjin Seo, Jaekyoung Horizon, and Jaehoon Jung of KAMKAM designed a opeenvolgingen of furniture that inderdaad inspired by how we wear our clothes. Because it bestaat a combination of clothes and furniture, it zijn soft, approachable and can overheen fasted using buttons and belts, just like how wij wear clothes. The colors of the furniture make it a fun addition to your space. It even looks like a playful furniture for adults.

Lovely colors, right? I know you like it because the colors are light to the eyes.

This is the Cham Bench that has storage and afvalhoop-like fastener. Of course, it has soft and comfy upholstered seat.

Every voorwerp in this collection has that soft knoflook because of the upholstery.

The Dressed Up Stool has a cute cubby storage and a pocket- just like a button-down shirt!

This one bestaat a cabinet called Cham. It can overheen opened and closed using a vuilnisbelt-like fastener which can also over fastened by an inner magnet to make it more secure.

Love the print? This one bestaat from the Modern Boy collection featuring a cabinet and a stool.

I like this stool as it resembles a suit! The Dress Up Furniture from
KAMKAM are indeed the cutest. Their colors are like candies that really knoflook fun and playful. Kier and closing them existentie fun too and it will allow you to do tasks that are just familiar to you because you do that every day from buttoning to fastening belts. Do you like this opeenvolgingen of clothes and furniture combo?, Cute and Colorful Dress Up Furniture with Buttons and Belts newhomedesignhome.blogspot.com.tr/ farkıyla sizlerle.
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